
Deer escaping a forest fire

Monday, May 28, 2012

Caribou: To Save, or Not To Save?

Up until now in this paper forest fires have been made out to seem very good, but there is an obvious negative to forest fires that has not been mentioned yet. This negative is the affect that forest fires have on the Caribou population in northern Canada. Forest Fires burn down forests, which are a good thing, but it takes a long time to grow back. Caribou prefer sheltered forests, but because of all the fires the Caribou’s migration paths continue to shrink. Since the Caribou will not go near the forest, it makes them a great target for timber wolves, which love to hunt in the open grounds. Caribou only have one offspring so they cannot survive heavy predation. Another problem is that the fires burn all the lichens, which are needed because that is the Caribou’s main source of food in the winter. This poses a major issue for the Canadian Government, do they choose to continue Fire Management, or do they stop to protect the Caribou. In my own eyes I have to weigh the odds;

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